As an administrator, you can decide whether your editors are able to publish pages and files directly or if there should be an approval process in place. Accomplish this by planning workflow needs. Workflow is an approval process where an Modern Campus CMS user is assigned as an approver. Workflow can be configured in two ways:
- User-Level Approver
- Folder-Level Approver
You must be a Level 9 or 10 administrator to set up workflow.
User-Level ApproverLink to this section
This is for situations where Modern Campus CMS users are responsible for other users. For example, a department chair is responsible for edits made by members of his staff. It does not matter what content those staff members are editing; the department chair is responsible for approving it.
- Navigate to Setup > Users.
- Click the username of the Modern Campus CMS user who will be submitting pages and files to an approver.
- In the User menu, click Restrictions,
- From the "Approver" dropdown, select the appropriate user.
- In the "Enforce Approver" field, select the checkbox if you would like to prevent the user from specifying a different approver.
- Click Save.
If the "Enforce Approver" checkbox is NOT selected, the chosen approver is the default selection but the submitter has the option to submit any other Modern Campus CMS user.
Folder-Level ApproverLink to this section
This is for situations where Modern Campus CMS users are responsible for pieces of content. For example, the head of alumni relations is responsible for all content on the alumni pages. It does not matter who edits the content; the head of alumni relations is responsible for approving it.
- Navigate to Content > Pages and find the section, folder, page, or file you'd like to associate with an approver.
- Click More Actions
- Click Edit > Access.
- In the Access Settings box, from the "Approver" dropdown select the appropriate user.
- In the "Enforce Approver" field, select the checkbox if you would like to prevent the user from specifying a different approver.
- Click Save.
If the "Enforce Approver" checkbox is NOT selected, the chosen approver is the default selection but the submitter has the option to select any other Modern Campus CMS user to approve the page or file.
Bypass Approval GroupLink to this section
You may need an exception to a workflow rule. In this case, you can set up a bypass approval group that allows a group of users to override approval configurations and publish a piece of content directly.
- Create a group containing the users who will be allowed to override approval configurations.
- Navigate to Content > Pages and find the section, folder, page, or file you'd like to associate with an approver.
- Click More Actions
- Click Edit > Access.
- In the "Access Settings" box, from the "Bypass Approval" dropdown select the appropriate group.
- Click Save.
With a workflow set up, all your access settings, users and groups, and site settings configured, you're ready to begin managing your Modern Campus CMS site. You can always learn more about the various aspects of administration.