Scheduled Actions
Available to: All users. Level 9 and 10 users see all scheduled actions for the site; users levels 0 through 8 only see scheduled actions they set themselves.
This report shows files and assets with a scheduled action (publish, reminder, or expiration). The status of the file is shown, along with who scheduled the action, and (if applicable) which site the file will be published to. The scheduled date for the action is also listed.
Click the More Actions menu for a file to modify the scheduled action. Reminders and scheduled publishes can be rescheduled, and all actions can be unscheduled. Unscheduling an expiration or publish requires confirmation; to remove a reminder, click Scheduling and deselect the "Set Scheduled Reminder" and/or "Set Stale Reminder" checkbox and click Save Changes.
Removing a scheduled publish or expiration automatically checks the file back out to you, as long as you were the one who set the scheduled action initially.