Initial Site Setup
As an administrator, one of your first tasks is setting up your site so content editors can start creating pages. This page details common administrative functions to consider and configure before your content editors log in to your site.
You must be a level 10 administrator to view the Setup menu.
Page ChecksLink to this section
When you click the Publish button for a page, a list of possible page checks appears in the Publish box. As an administrator, you can configure which checks appear and which do not.
- Navigate to Setup > Account.
- In the Account menu, click Publish Settings.
- In Page Check Options, select the checkbox(es) next to the page checks you'd like shown in the Publish box.
- If you selected Accessibility Check, choose the appropriate guideline from the Accessibility Guideline dropdown. Select the types of issues you'd like reported from the Accessibility Options field.
- Click Save.
Single Sign-On (SSO)Link to this section
If your school uses Central Authentication Service (CAS) or Shibboleth as an SSO solution, configure Modern Campus CMS to use your platform's log in/log out processes. If your school uses Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), configure LDAP to your individual user profiles.
- Navigate to Setup > Account.
- In the Account menu, click Login Page.
- In the CAS or Shibboleth URL field, add your school's SSO login URL.
- In the Logout URL field, add your school's SSO logout URL.
- Click Save.
Auxiliary SitesLink to this section
If your school has separate media servers, you can grant account-wide or site-wide access to these auxiliary sites. This allows you to reference images or other content on that separate server.
- Navigate to Setup > Account.
- In the Account menu, click Auxiliary Sites.
- Click +Add.
- Add the appropriate server information to the New Auxiliary Site box.
- Click Save.
- Navigate to Setup > Sites.
- Click More Actions
- Click Edit > Site.
- Click Auxiliary Sites.
- Click +Add.
- Add the appropriate server information to the New Auxiliary Site box.
- Click Save.
Content located in auxiliary sites isn't handled by Modern Campus CMS' dependency manager. Any changes to content names or locations within the auxiliary site need to be updated manually on Modern Campus CMS pages.
Add-OnsLink to this section
Add-Ons are global bookmarks within Modern Campus CMS. You can configure add-ons that are visible to either your entire user base or only to administrators.
- Navigate to Setup > Account.
- In the Account menu, click Add-Ons.
- Click +Add.
- In the New Add-On box, enter the Name and a fully qualified URL.
- Select Admin Access Only and Open in New Window as appropriate.
- Click Save.
Final CheckLink to this section
When page checks are configured for your account, they do not run by default. Enable and configure final check to force specific checks to run and to dictate whether your content editors can click the Publish button if checks fail.
- Navigate to Setup > Sites.
- Click More Actions
- Click Edit > Site.
- In the Site menu, click Publish Settings.
- Select the Final Check checkbox.
- In the Field Check Options field, select the checkbox(es) next to the page checks you'd like to automatically run.
- In the Enable Publish Button field, select Only When Conditions are Met if you'd like to restrict the Publish button from being available if checks fail.
- If you selected Only When Conditions are Met, select the checkbox(es) next to the page checks required to pass before displaying the Publish button.
- Click Save.
What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) EditorLink to this section
As an administrator, you can restrict the abilities of your content editors to edit images.
- Navigate to Setup > Sites.
- Click More Actions
- Click Edit > Site.
- Click WYSIWYG Editor.
- If you'd like to enable decorative images, choose Admin Only or All Users as appropriate in the Decorative Images dropdown.
- If you'd like to prevent image resizing, select the checkbox in the Disable Image Resizing field.
- If you'd like to restrict image alignment, select the checkbox in the Disable Image Alignment Menu field.
Three settings to consider and configure during your initial site setup, as follows:
- Decorative images do not require the Description field when inserted into a page. Images without a description won't have alt text, which is used for accessibility purposes.
- Image resizing is the ability to change the size of an image on a page.
- Image alignment is the ability to change the alignment of an image in relation to text on a page (for example, float left or float right).
File Naming ConventionsLink to this section
As an administrator, you can restrict content editors to provide validated file names using a regular expression (regex).
- Navigate to Setup > Sites.
- Click More Actions
- Click Edit > Site.
- Click File Naming or Binary File Naming as needed.
- In the (Binary) FileNameRegex field, enter a regex that defines your file name pattern.
- If the regular expression you entered describes characters you'd like to disallow, select the checkbox in the (Binary) Filename Must NOT Match Regex field.
- In the (Binary) Regex Description field, enter a plain language description of what is or is not allowed.
- Click Save.
Text entered into the (Binary) Regex Description field is used as the failure message in the event a user enters a file name that conflicts with the file naming convention.
Publish TargetsLink to this section
Publish targets are server locations where Modern Campus CMS content can be published. These are in addition to your primary production server.
- Navigate to Setup > Sites.
- Click More Actions
- Click Edit > Site.
- Click Auxiliary Sites.
- In the Publish Targets field, click +Add.
- Add the appropriate server information to the New Publish Target box.
- Click Save.
Custom DictionaryLink to this section
Modern Campus CMS has a standard built-in dictionary, but many schools have unique acronyms, abbreviations, and language. You can configure your custom dictionary to accept these words and avoid the spell check flagging them as misspelled.
- Navigate to Setup > Custom Dictionary.
- Click Account Dictionary.
- From the language listing, select the appropriate language.
- Click +Add.
- Enter your school's unique words. Press Enter or use a comma between words when entering multiple words.
- Click Save.
Third Party ServicesLink to this section
Modern Campus CMS can be configured to work with:
- Google Analytics to display analytics data in the Page and Site Analytics gadgets.
- YouTube to link your school's YouTube channel with the YouTube gadget.
- Navigate to Setup > Google Analytics, or > YouTube.
- Click +New.
- In the pop up window, enter your third party service login credentials.
- Click Allow on any applicable authorization windows.
- In the Available To field, specify the group who should have access to this third party service.
- Click Save.
Extension AllowancesLink to this section
As an administrator, you can specify which file extensions are or are not allowed in specific sections of your site. This allows you to control the organization of your site content (for example, only allowing images to be uploaded into specific image folders).
- Navigate to Content > Pages and find the section you'd like to associate with an extension allowance.
- Click More Actions
- Click Edit > Access.
- In the Extensions field, enter the file extensions you'd like to allow or disallow.
- Add a comma between extensions when entering multiple extensions.
- Choose the appropriate radio button to either Allow Only These Extensions or Disallow These Extensions
- Click Save.
Directory VariablesLink to this section
Depending upon your school's web site design and Modern Campus CMS implementation details, you may be able to set directory variables. Directory variables allow you to control the actions or display of web pages in specific sections.
- Navigate to Content > Pages and find the section you'd like to associate with a directory variable.
- Click More Actions
- Click Edit > Access.
- In the Directory Variables field, click +Add.
- In the Create New Variable field, choose an option from the dropdown menu or enter the name of the directory variable.
- In the Value field, enter the appropriate input.
- Click Save.
You can find details about any directory variables associated with your school's implementation in your developer notes.