Control access to Modern Campus CMS functions with user settings and user levels. Assign one of eleven user levels (0 to 10) to permit abilities in Modern Campus CMS.
Go to Setup > Users to create, edit, disable, delete, lock, and unlock users. You can also create a group from existing users.
CreateLink to this section
Create a new user, as follows:
- Navigate to Setup > Users.
- Click +New.
- Fill out the user settings as necessary.
- Complete the New User Options, as follows:
- Create Group: Create a group with just this user in it.
- Assign to Groups: Add user to groups.
- Group membership can be edited later.
- Send Welcome Message: Send a welcome email providing their username and login URL.
- Available if an email address has been defined for the user.
- Send Password in Welcome Message: Include password in welcome email
- Available if the user's password is set in Modern Campus CMS and not via an external service.
- Additional Message to User: Type additional information to the user.
- Click Create.
EditLink to this section
Edit user settings, as follows:
- Navigate toSetup>Users.
- Click the user name.
- Edit user information.
- Click Save.
If you edit the user's password (for accounts not using an external authentication service), communicate the new password to the user. Users can also reset their own passwords when logging in.
Lock and UnlockLink to this section
Lock users to prevent them from logging in. Locking a user who is already logged in prevents them from logging in to a new session. It does not log them out of their current session.
Lock users as follows:
- Navigate to Setup > Users.
- In the Status column, click the unlocked button.
- In the Lock User box, click OK.
Lock multiple users by selecting their checkboxes and clicking Lock in the list header.
Unlock, or reset, a user, as follows:
- Navigate to Setup > Users.
- In the Status column, click the locked button for the locked-out user.
- In the Unlock User box, click OK.
The user's status icon changes to unlocked and their password remains the same.
Unlock multiple users by selecting their checkboxes and clicking Unlock in the list header.
Users can lock themselves out of their account if they fail more login attempts than the amount in account settings. From Setup > Users, locked-out users have a locked button in the status column. Click the locked button to unlock the user.
Disable and DeleteLink to this section
Disable a user to check in their content and prevent them from logging in. Logs of their activities (such as in page versions) remain.
When you disable a user, it will remove the user from all groups. You can download a CSV of their group associations, including their username, full name, and group memberships, using both single and bulk actions. If a disabled user is enabled, the group associations will not be restored.
To remove all data associated with the user, delete them. Modern Campus CMS cannot recover data for deleted users. Some, but not all, logs of their activities will be listed as Unknown User.
Disable or delete a user, as follows:
- Navigate to Setup > Users.
- Click the More Actions
menu for the user.
- Click Disable or Delete.
Disable or delete multiple users by selecting their checkboxes and clicking Disable or Delete in the list header.
User SettingsLink to this section
All users can modify their own password (if no external authentication system is being used), first and last name, phone number, and email, by clicking on their name and avatar in the Main menu. All other settings can only be changed by level 10 users.
Your user avatar is set via the third-party Gravatar, as long as your email address for your Modern Campus CMS account matches the email of your Gravatar account.
- Username*: Must be between four to thirty-two characters, containing only letters, numbers, or underscores. If your account uses an external authentication system, it must match the user's name in that system.
- Password: Between 16 and 64 characters.
- If using LDAP or to keep the current password (if editing an existing user), keep this field blank.
- This field is hidden if CAS or Shibboleth are in use, unless WebDav is enabled for the user.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone: For your internal use only; Modern Campus CMS does not use phone numbers to contact users.
- Email: External email address, for Modern Campus CMS to send system messages, including password resets and the welcome message for new users. Users without a valid email address will not receive password reset emails should they request one.
- Assign to Groups: Shows which groups the user is part of, with the ability to add or remove them from existing groups.
The available restrictions depend on the user's level. If a restriction isn't available, then whether user can perform that action depends on their user level.
All users can publish, unless an approver is set.
- User Level*: Sets the abilities of the user. Available levels are 0 through 10.
- Approver: Assign a default approver to this user, for when they publish pages. This can be overriden by approvers set for sections or folders in access settings, or by being in a "Bypass Approval" group. Level 10 users can always ignore approvers.
- Enforce Approver: If an approver is assigned, check this to prevent the user from changing who they send files to for approval.
- Allow/Disallow Source: Give the user access to editing source code.
- Allow Upload: Let the user upload files.
- Allow Zip Import: Let the user use zip import.
- Allow Overwrite: Let the user overwrite existing files when uploading.
- Allow Delete: Lets the user delete or recycle files and assets.
- Toolbar: Assign a customized toolbar to the user. This can be overridden by toolbars set in access settings.
- Lock User: Prevent the user from logging in.
- Available if editing existing users.
- Allow WebDAV Access: Let the user use WebDAV to connect to the staging server.
- WebDAV URL: Autopopulated when the "Allow WebDAV Access" checkbox is selected. This URL is used when configuring settings for the WebDAV client. The WebDAV URL listed in this section is the path to the account, not the site. A specific site or folder can be appended to it and used for the WebDAV client configuration.
- Time Zone: Setting a time zone for the user overrides time zone settings at the account or site level, changing how dates and time stamps in Modern Campus CMS display to them. In the case of scheduled actions, the action takes place at the time the user set, in their time zone.
- Locale: Formats the date and time stamps in Modern Campus CMS for the user.
- Add to Dictionary: Allow the user to add words to the dictionary via spell check.
- Failed Login Notification: Check to receive an email notification when a user locks themselves out by failing to log in too many times.
This panel only applies if LDAP authentication is being used.
- Authentication Type: Specify the authentication type for LDAP:
- Simple: plain text authentication via port 389
- Simple (SSL): uses SSL to authenticate via port 636
- Simple (StartTLS): uses TLS (SSL 3.0) to authenticate via port 636
When using SSL or StartTLS, the SSL certificate needs to be submitted to the Modern Campus support team for installation prior to using LDAP authentication. Should the certificate or hostname be changed, notify our support team at least twenty-four hours in advance so appropriate changes can be made. LDAP users won't be able to log in to Modern Campus CMS if the certificate or hostname don't match the current configuration of the LDAP server.
- Hostname: The name of the LDAP server.
- DN: The unique LDAP identifier for this user.
User LevelsLink to this section
You can change user levels at any time, but changing the user level doesn't necessarily change the restrictions allowed for the user.
Typical user: Supervisors or department heads who don't edit pages, but want to review them before publish.
Restrictions: Approver, Enforce Approver
Content: Pages, Assets
Reports: Required Actions, Checked-Out Content, Pending Approvals, Scheduled Actions
Level 0 users can preview content to which they have access, but not edit it. They can publish, schedule, expire, and reassign pages. They also have access to versions and page check. They can view the RSS items and reminders of a page.
Typical user: Administrative staff who should be updating content but not creating new pages and material.
Restrictions: Approver, Enforce Approver, Toolbar, Allow Source, Allow Upload, Allow Overwrite, Allow Delete
Content: Pages, Assets
Reports: Required Actions, Checked-Out Content, Pending Approvals, Scheduled Actions
Contributors have the abilities of reviewers, plus the ability to update page content in the WYSIWYG editor. Creating new pages starts with level 4 users.
Typical user: General editors, often those who have experience in Modern Campus CMS.
Restrictions: Approver, Enforce Approver, Toolbar, Allow Source, Allow Upload (Level 5) or Allow Zip Import (Level 6/7), Allow Overwrite, Allow Delete
Content: Pages, Assets
Reports: Required Actions, Checked-Out Content, Recent Saves, Recent Publishes
Editors have the abilities of contributors, plus the ability to make more enhanced changes to pages. They can access page parameters, create new pages, and starting with level 6, upload files.
Typical user: Departmental administrators, often set as approvers for lower-level users.
Restrictions: Approver, Enforce Approver, Toolbar, Allow Source, Allow Zip Import, Allow Overwrite
Content: Pages, Assets
Reports: Required Actions, Checked-Out Content, Recent Saves, Recent Publishes
Designers can edit, upload, and other system tasks, including renaming, moving, copying, and deleting files, and changing access settings and groups to which they have access.
Typical user: High-level or reporting administrators.
Restrictions: Approver, Enforce Approver, Toolbar, Disallow Source, Allow WebDAV Access
Content: Pages, Assets, Snippets, Recycle Bin
Reports: All reports
Assistant administrators can edit (including source code inherently), upload, and other system tasks such as file management and assigning access settings. They can check in pages from other users and reassign pages in workflows. Access settings don't apply to them.
Typical user: System administrators.
Restrictions: Toolbar, Allow WebDAV Access
Content: All items (Pages, Assets, Snippets, RSS, Find and Replace, Recycle Bin)
Reports: All reports
Level 10 users control the configuration of the account and its users. They can go everywhere and do everything, including creating users and groups, workflow processes (including checking in and reassigning pages), editing site and account settings, running site scans and find and replace, and other site actions. They can also set up social media and RSS settings. They are the only users with access to the Setup menu. Access settings don't apply to them.