Logging In
Use the "Reset Password" link to request a new one.
An email is sent to the email address in your user settings, which includes a link to reset your password.
This only works if your implementation is not using a third-party authentication method (LDAP, CAS, Shibboleth). If you are having password trouble and one of those is in use, contact an administrator at your institution for assistance.
Administrators: Verify the active authentication method (LDAP, CAS, Shibboleth) and ensure that the account has been properly activated.
I've been locked out of Modern Campus CMS.
Your account needs to be unlocked by an administrator. Contact an administrator at your institution for assistance.
- Go to Setup > Users.
- In the "Status" column, click the locked button for the locked-out user.
- In the "Unlock User" box, click OK.
I was editing a page and got a system error, saying the page or file can't be found.
Modern Campus CMS' authentication is session-based, and it is possible for a session to lose its validity. This may be remedied by closing the browser, restarting the browser, and logging in again. If the problem persists, it may be required to contact a system administrator.
There is a thirty-minute timeout on inactivity in Modern Campus CMS. If the server can't sense any browser activity in thirty minutes, then the session is dropped. If you have an Modern Campus CMS session open in a browser, your Modern Campus CMS session is kept alive through a "heartbeat" call every fifteen minutes. Anything that sleeps the browser or computer kills the heartbeat. If the browser tab that is the Modern Campus CMS session is no longer the frontmost tab, the browser places that tab in a suspended state, and the heartbeat call is not sent to the server. If this misses two heartbeats (thirty minutes go by) then the session is dropped.
The best way to avoid getting this error is to keep Modern Campus CMS open in its own browser window with no other tabs. Modern Campus CMS is kept active as long as this window is open. Any normal user activity in Modern Campus CMS (except using gadgets) sends the heartbeat signal, and the thirty-minute activity timer is reset. If you have Modern Campus CMS frontmost in a browser, and leave it open all day (no computer sleep), then the session is kept active.
I logged into a page via DirectEdit but it says I don't have permission to read it.
You can only be logged in to one Modern Campus CMS account at a time. If you need to be logged into more than one account simultaneously, use a different browser program, or open an incognito window.
This issue occurs for sites that have disabled the account setting "Always Use HTTPS.” Delete your browsing data, as follows:
1. Log out of Modern Campus CMS.
2. Go to browser settings to clear your cache and cookies.
3. Log in to Modern Campus CMS.