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Access Settings

Access settings control what users can view and edit. They are set at the content level (pages, folders, etc.) and grant access on a per-group basis. If there is a specific user you want to access a page, add them to the group that has access.

You can set access for sites, folders, pages and files, and editable regions.

Additional content types, such as assets, snippets, components, gadgets, personalization, and modules have their own access settings that primarily control which groups can use that content in Modern Campus CMS.

The access settings that govern the file structure can interact in increasingly complex ways, including not only which groups have access, but enforced approvers, custom toolbars, and more. In general,

  • Level 8 users can modify the access settings for folders and files to which they already have access.
  • Level 9 users can modify the access settings for all folders and files.
  • Level 10 users can modify all access settings across the account, including site access settings.

When dealing with access settings in the file structure, there are several concepts that are important to understand.

InheritanceLink to this section

When a new page, folder, etc. is created, it inherits its access settings from the folder above it. If not specified otherwise, the access settings for the site cascade all the way down the chain to individual pages. Several access settings have built-in options for inheriting the setting from the folder above.

However, unless an access setting specifically inherits the parent setting, changing access settings in parent folders does not affect child folders after they have been created. Think of inheritance as folders automatically copying their parent folder settings when created, but being independently modified thereafter.

PrecedenceLink to this section

Access settings for more specific items override those of more general ones. The closer a setting is to the edited content, the greater precedence it takes. For example, a folder may have an approver assigned to it, but if a page within the folder has a different approver assigned, that setting takes precedence and the page's approver is enforced.

Users have the least precedence, as they are furthest from the content. The order of precedence is, from lowest to highest:





Editable Regions

The exception to this is when navigating through the file structure. While a user may be in a group that has access to a page or folder, if they don't have access to the folder it's in, they won't be able to open that folder to view the content.

Because of this, a top-down approach is recommended for creating groups and access settings. Start with the largest, most general groups, and become more specific as you work your way down the file structure.

Recursive ModificationLink to this section

Access settings can be applied to folders recursively or non-recursively. When a setting is recursive, it is applied not only to the folder itself, but to all existing files inside, as well as any created in the future. When it is non-recursive, the setting is applied to the folder and any new files created going forward. Any existing files and folders inside are unaffected by the change, unless they are set to inherit the parent access settings.

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